Giving To The Homeless -- Doing our part to eliminate hunger

About Us

Giving To The Homeless started in Portland, Oregon in 2002, then in 2005 the organization moved to Wilmington, Delaware.


 "Giving To The Homeless "  (GTTH) is a registered nonprofit tax exempt 501(C) (3) ministry, which is not affiliated with any church or any other organization.  GTTH believes it is every human beings God given right not to be hungry, which is why GTTH serves two populations. The first is the homeless and the second is the below poverty level income families, which usually consists of one parent with two or more small children.   We also believe because hunger can affect anyone, GTTH serves everyone.

What We Do

Through donations from the local community such as yourself, GTTH goes into the heart of Wilmington, Delaware five days a week . We cook and serve meals to the homeless and below poverty level income families. We also have a large clothing give away (often with other useful items) during the week. At this time we are serving about 500-800 meals a week. During the summer months this number increases, thus the need for donations increases. Even though we are small, we also support women's shelters in Wilmington with food and a variety of other items. Additionally, except for the shelters, everything we do is outside on the streets, no matter what the weather. All of what we do is accomplished with only five loyal volunteers, one van and one trailer. (Luke 3:11)

Our Faithful Supporters

We have many faithful supporters of our organization, without which we could not thrive. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for all of your donations and support!


Cooking/Serving Meals:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 2nd & Walnut Street Wilmington 10:30 am in the back parking lot of the Gateway House

- 4th & Rodney Sts Park (Wilmington) 11:30 am

Saturday (every 3rd Saturday of the Month) - Victory Fellowship Church (100 Wilton Blvd, New Castle) 9am – 1pm

- 4th and Rodney 10:30 am (On Sunday we have Street Church for those interested in a living relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.)

Clothes and other items given away when available through donations.


Donations: If you feel moved to donate to our organization. Please call 302-355-9467 or reach us by email gtth2010@yahoo.comTax deductible receipts will be given for all donations if so desired.



Disposable Plates and Bowls

Plasticware (Forks, Spoons, Knives)


Disposable Cups - hot and cold beverages served according to weather


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Newark, Delaware   302.355.9467

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